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  • Writer's pictureDiego Delgado

Finding a Mentor

January 12, 2022

Now that I have most of my things done in my research phase of ISM, I am in the process of finding a mentor. Prior to the break, everything seemed to be great since I was already lining-up to pick my mentor. However, COVID cases started to increase after the winter break so the opportunities to shadow in a health care place have severely declined. In my health science clinical class, we were supposed to go to the fire station, but because of COVID it had to be stopped. It is not just happening in this industry; it is happening all over the healthcare industry. Due to these issues, I have needed to come up with some solutions so I can still have a mentor while in ISM. One of the most effective ways that I have thought of was to have some video conversations about some hot topics in orthopedic medicine and maybe some time I could watch a surgery while wearing the necessary precautions. That is my best idea as of now, but I will try to figure out what is the most involved I can be without being exposed to too much. So, as of now, I don't really have a mentor, but I will find a way to get one, even if it is just online.

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