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  • Writer's pictureDiego Delgado

Some More Orthopedic Research

Some More Orthopedics Research

November 1st, 2021

This past week I was focused on, once again, my original work and gaining some more contacts so I can have more research interviews. Pertaining to my interview, I was finally able to set up a research interview for tomorrow with Dr. Paul Ghattas. I am so excited to be able to interview another professional since I will be able to get some more insight from a different path and perspective of the field. This will be a great addition to my overall ISM journey since I will be able to add his ideals and perspectives - even if he is not my mentor. Another thing that I was really focused on last week was my original research, more specifically I focused more on post surgery complications. Most of the ones that I researched were different from what Dr. Robertson told me during my first interview, so I found it quite intriguing that not all doctors may not experience the same complications because it may have something to do with the different techniques being used. Next week, I particularly want to do at least one more research interview and then continue some more of my original work research in order to try to make it as best as possible.

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